Bible jamming


‘Bible Jamming’ is a fun way you can engage with the bible as a group.

Here is a technique that you can use to help young and old get into scripture in a new and fun way. You can even do it online through some form of chat or video calling. Be ready it can get noisy!

Maybe you’re learning a new language too so get together in your household or others online and give it a go in that language.

This is a great thing for you to do as a family. The key is that although it is fun and different, by the end of the exercise you have all heard the same scripture numerous times, which helps it to be grasped by those involved. It then helps to lead in to a great discussion time about the scripture you have been jamming. Why not give it a go.

Bible Jamming

When musicians ‘jam’ they play a song over and over ‘til it’s in the groove, thus the title of this approach to getting into a Bible passage.

Start in whichever way seems normal (first round is the most familiar to many) and use at least 4 of the suggestions below. It is good to have a passage that has maybe a few verses more than the size of the group and it seems to work well in groups of 5 to 10 people.

1st Round: One person reads the passage through, out loud.

2nd Round: Everyone reads the passage, a verse each around the group (people can pass if they really seem uncomfortable).

3rd Round: Someone starts and the next person picks up when/where the first stops (“handing over”).

4th Round:  “Cut in” on (interrupt) one another mid-verse or wherever!

5th Round: Anyone cuts in OR hands over to each other.

6th Round: Read only the dialogue (leave out narration or thoughts. This round can be skipped if people struggle).

7th Round: Reading random verse(s) until someone reads the last verse. It is good if they read verses or parts of verses that stand out to them and it doesn’t matter if someone has already read it.

You can then lead into a discussion time about the passage using questions you have pre-prepared or by using the verses that are read in round 7.

It is always good to explain the whole process with a new group before you start and remind them what is next at the start of each round. It works very well with narratives but have a play around and see what works with your group.

Remember it is meant to be engaging, fun and can get quite loud but don’t hold back. Have fun.