Shrove Tuesday

pancake stack

One last feast – for now anyway 

Lent is the time when Christians prepare for Easter by giving up something special for 40 days. Traditionally Christians would fast, or give up food, as a way of remembering the 40 days that Jesus spent alone in the desert. These days people give up all sorts of things – sugar, coffee, social media - the main point is to help us concentrate on God and prepare our hearts and minds for the events of Easter.  

In 2022 Shrove Tuesday is the 1st of March. This resource contains some general information about Shrove Tuesday, a Pancake recipe, a poem you can perform as a family, and a reading as you head into the season of Lent. 

Click on this link to download a free PDF of a simple way to explore Shrove Tuesday together.

Click here for a plain text option.

More Lent and Easter ideas here.